Owner Login

Current owners of properties managed by All County® All County Prime Property Management can login to see information about their rental properties.

Owner Login

Owner Resources

The following are booklets and/or forms for current property owners who are clients of All County® All County Prime Property Management.

Owner Handbook Management Agreement IRS Form W-9

Frequently Asked Questions

We work very hard to collect rent and believe placing the right tenant/s is one of the best ways to avoid a no rent payment situation. We offer the tenant/s several different methods to pay rent including the use a credit card if necessary. Our website lists organizations that tenants can contact for assistance when times get tough.

Yes. In the event they have to be evicted, we handle all the paperwork with the attorney.

We are a full service management company that tailors to your own person needs. However, we ask that if you are making your own repairs, you represent yourself as the handyman and not the owner. It is our job to protect you. We teach tenants the process they need to adhere to for reporting maintenance requests and we would not want them asking you to make any additional repairs while you are in the home.

We will begin marketing your home right away. The three factors are price, location and condition when searching for qualified tenants. We are experts in researching the market price for a property and work with you in getting a property ready for rent as we want to appeal to the largest pool of potential tenants. Then, the typical time frame for placing qualified tenants is about two to three weeks.

Horror stories are told because people did not hire the right professional. All County® has been in business for over two decades and every tenant goes through a thorough background screening including, but not limited to criminal, civil, rental, employment, and checking the terrorist watch list. That, coupled with our strong rental agreement and rental procedures, gives every property owner added protection.